Adam Thorpe wins ICAA Julia Morgan Award

We are proud to announce that our dear friend and colleague Adam Thorpe won a Craftsmanship & Artisanship award at the ICAA Northern California chapter’s Julie Morgan Awards ceremony. This was for his wonderful reproduction work for the Salon Doré at the Legion of Honor in San Francisco. You can watch a video about Adam’s work here.

Adam has worked for us as a carver in the past, but these days we and many of our clients commission Adam to assist with the research and design of historical decoration. His encyclopedic knowledge and ability to render at the highest level is breathtaking.

The importance of good design for ornamentation can’t be stressed enough. If the design is bad, it doesn’t matter how talented the carver is—the ornament will always be bad. We strongly believe that well designed and perfectly executed decoration will withstand scrutiny for centuries to come.