
Over the years our students have asked us for three-dimensional examples of carvings for copying as a learning aid. So, we’ve produced a series of cast models specifically for students interested in carving furniture and architectural elements.

Each model shows a carving roughed out at one end, and follows through to a completed carving at the other. This gives students a vital understanding of the structure of a shape, and the graceful flow and movement required in its successful carving.

These hand-carved progressive elements and mouldings and are cast in resin from masters created by the carvers at Agrell Architectural Carving. They are durable, strong, and made in a light-colored material that shows clearly the model’s shadows.

The mouldings are around 2 inches wide by 10 inches long. The elements vary in size, but are large enough to see easily and learn from.

Cost: $25 for each cast plus shipping and handling. Take a 10 percent discount with an order of five or more.

Shipping and handling: Priority USPS $6.50 for first item, $3.50 for each additional item on the same order. Please contact us for non-domestic orders.

To order, please click here. We accept Paypal, checks, and most major credit cards.